SEAFUTURE, AT ITS 7TH EDITION, is the business convention for maritime and dual use technologies: unique in the Mediterranean basin because implemented inside a Naval Base.
SEAFUTURE is the hub on the Mediterranean Sea for the Blue Economy, it is the balance in favour of the Sea: our FIRST economic resource. A safe and secure sea ecosystem grant supplying of raw materials, energy and blue growth, but it has to be protected and saved.
Seafuture fits therefore the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) set out in the UN agenda for people, planet and prosperity towards 2030 and it fits the Integrated maritime Policy of the European Commission.
Seafuture a model for industrial excellence and competitiveness, sustainability and innovation
Defence21 had the pleasure to interviewed Mrs. Cristiana Pagni, President of Italian Blue Growth Srl, Seafuture organizers. The following are the details:
SEAFUTURE2021 at its 7th edition represents the business convention for maritime and dual use technologies: unique in the Mediterranean basin because implemented inside a Naval Base. The event has a strong potential in business networking, making in connection and promoting synergy between Institutions, scientists and researchers, the biggest national and international industrial groups, SMEs, innovative startups andmarine and maritime technological clusters. Seafuture represents a model for industrial excellence and competitiveness, sustainability and innovation stimulates the growth of marine economy.
I am very proud to say that Seafuture has grown exponentially during these years. We have worked hard each edition to make the best out of it and the event has now become the biggest Italian convention in the Blue Economy Sector.To date, 220 exhibiting companies and 133 accredited journalists have confirmed the participation for this next edition. Further, 50 delegations of foreign navies represented by their respective Chiefs of Staff of the Navy and Chiefs of Defense, together with Ministers of the Interior from both EU and non-EU countries will also be attending the event.
We decided to postpone the seventh edition of Seafuture from 2020 to 2021 to guarantee the safety but also the attendance of all our participants. Considering the still ongoing international health emergency, a specific Covid-19 protocol was developed for the event. We have been working hard to ensure that Seafuture will be carried out in total safety so as not to jeopardise the effort made by all the people, companies and by our country up to date. Hence, we have created a safety and security plan in line and agreement with the Italian Ministry of Health. To begin with, green passes will be asked to all the attendents. Since Seafuture is, for all intents, a place where technology reigns, we have additionally installed a silver ion tunnel at the entrance. The latter is a kind of outdoor shower that has the aim of disinfecting everyone who passes through it from top to toe. Devices that measure body temperature will also be part of the mandatory procedure to access the exhibition. Moreover, we have at our disposal a completely innovative technology that has been brought to us by a start-up. Such technology will enable us to disinfect the warehouses every day.

We have always tried to bring something new to each and every edition of Seafuture. This year, we decided it was worth to shed a light on some pressuring and current themes such as cyber security. A great deal has also been given to sustainability and environmental issues liked to the maritime sector.
Considering the fact that in 2018 with 170exhibiting companies we created 1230 b2b both between marinas and businesses and between businesses and businesses, this year we hope for at least 1300 b2b considering that the numbers have increased. We believe this part of the event to be fundamental and enriching for everyone since b2b meetings build the foundations to create future collaborations, to create collaborations and compete on international markets together. B2b represent a real business convention as well as an innovative way to look for partners, collaborators, but also costumers and/or suppliers. In short, it is an occasion for companies to grow together.

Within these four days we try to cover as many conferences and agendas as possible; hence, the themes debated are numerous; for instance, an entire day is dedicated on ports, transports and logistic. A great space will be also given to environmental issues. Seafuture is indeed orientated to fit the Green deal Policy set out by the European Commission agenda as well as in the Sustainable development Goals (SDGs) set out in the UN agenda for people, planet and prosperity towards 2030. Among other themes are international cooperation in defense programs and action against illegal fishing in the Mediterranean sea.
Certainly one of the concerns of Seafuture is dedicated to technological development, with a particular focus on cyber security. This begins with 5G technology that is set to revolutionize the industry by offering high data rates, low latency and ubiquitous connectivity with levels of reliability never seen before. 5G will play a fundamental role in the future development of the economy and society and will be an enabling factor for future digital services; 5G networks will therefore constitute the future backbone of the world economy, which is walking briskly towards complete digitalization.
We consider these tools the future of our country and our businesses. They are also interconnected and applicable with the world of the Blue Economy; (5G indeed has a major impact on the navy and maritime industry, such as data transmission and protection and coastal infrastructure.)

The foreign delegations will be taken in charge by a Liaison officer of the navy who will accompany them throughout their stay with the task of following them in their representation activities at the institutional stands and in their visits to the various companies, to support them in the b2b required by the companies . In addition, there will be a welcome cocktail and a networking dinner which, as the word implies, serves to create relationships and insights that may not be possible to deepen during the working days.
The Italian Blue economy sector has a really great experience and background in the production field, and it occupies a big part of our country’s economy.Our enterprises are able to design and manage projects of high importance level. Fairly often companies in the maritime community are created and carried on by family traditions and the continuity of generations that promotes the technological and competences growth. I am deeply proud and pleased for the participation of these companies in the SEAFUTURE2021.
SEAFUTURE is a hub on the Mediterranean Sea for the Blue Economy. We believe the sea to be the main economic resource of our country. A safe and secure sea ecosystem grants supplying of raw materials, energy and blue growth, to mention some benefits. That is why we are committed to safeguarding such vital resource. This must be the starting point of any reality that operates on the sea and it is our point of reference when we approach to it with Seafuture. In short, Seafuture is our way to safeguard the Mediterranean and to spare awareness on the many advantages it could bring to all the realities living around it.

I sincerely believe thatyear by year,SEAFUTURE will involve more participants from marine society and will create closer relations between international navies and enterprises working in the sector. I hope that SEAFUTURE will keep representing a platform of international confrontation and dialogue for coastal and marine politics in the future, as much as incubator of ideas of sustainable development.
I believe Regional markets of the Mediterranean to be extremely important because they belong to the same sea basin, sharing its history and traditions, which facilitates a dialogue of skills and brings closer the possibility of interacting constructively.
Personally, I believe that Italy - for culture, history, tradition but also for geographical position - can assume a leading role in the European Blue Economy. This is why Seafuture is the most important event in this field in the Mediterranean.
Just a wish, that this seventh edition, as the previous ones, will have a great success and will allow us to create a foundation for further events. I would be very pleased to invite to participate all operators in the sector who could make their contribution to provide bigger publicity for the SEAFUTURE.
Mrs. Cristiana Pagni
Thank You Very Much