Nexter stands with Denmark in the transfer of CAESAR® to Ukraine
Further to the Danish Ministry of Defence’s announcement that it will donate the 19 CAESAR® ordered by Denmark to Ukraine, the number of CAESAR® gun systems in service with the Ukrainian Armed Forces will be more than doubled, providing a significant increase in their indirect fire support capability.
Nexter commends this decision as CAESAR® has already proven its performances and relevance in high intensity warfare in Ukraine, as well as in a wide variety of combat operations.
The final deliveries of CAESAR® for the Danish Armed Forces were in progress together with the integration of the gun into the Danish artillery fire control system (THOR provided by Systematic from Denmark). The Danish Artillery Regiment crews who have already been training to operate and sustain the guns are thus fully proficient to provide their Ukrainian counterparts with the appropriate assistance.
Nexter stands ready to take its responsibilities to support Danish Defence in this process and transition to the best of its capabilities. Nexter also wants to ensure that a new CAESAR® based indirect fire capability could be provided by the end of 2023 to allow uninterrupted sustainment of equipment, training, and know-how to the Danish Artillery programme. A comprehensive proposal has already been submitted to this aim and will be shortly discussed with the Danish National Armaments Directorate (DALO).